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Further Guidance
for Partnerships/Initiatives ('type 2 outcomes') to be elaborated by interested parties in preparation for the World Summit on Sustainable Development

Explanatory note by the Vice-Chairs Jan Kara and Diane Quarless (addendum to the Chairman's explanatory note)

During informal meetings at PrepCom 3 participants expressed the wish for additional guidance with regard to the elaboration of partnerships/initiatives which are expected to become part of the outcomes of the World Summit on Sustainable Development.

Building on the Chairman's explanatory note (see, and taking into account views expressed during the informal meetings, we submit to all the partners the following general guidelines on 'type 2' outcomes:

Link to Agenda 21 and Millennium Declaration Goals
'Type 2' partnerships/initiatives are intended to help achieve the further implementation of Agenda 21 and the Millennium Declaration goals.

Complementarity to 'Type 1' outcomes
'Type 2' partnerships/initiatives are complementary to the globally agreed 'type 1' outcomes: they are not intended to substitute commitments by governments in the 'type 1' documents, rather they should contribute to translating those political commitments into action. Given the broad range of issues currently being negotiated, it should not prove difficult to link a 'type 2' initiative to the negotiated outcome.

Voluntary nature
'Type 2' partnerships/initiatives are of a voluntary, 'self-organizing' nature: unlike 'type 1' outcomes they are not subject to negotiation within the Preparatory Committee for the Summit.

Participatory approach
'Type 2' partnerships can be initiated by governments, international organisations or major groups. They can be arranged among any combination of partners, including governments, regional groups, non-governmental actors, international institutions and private sector partners. Preferably, they should involve a range of significant actors in a given area of work. They should be genuinely participatory in approach, so that their ownership is shared between all partners.

New/value added initiatives
Ideally, 'type 2' partnerships/initiatives should be "new", which means they are elaborated as a particular contribution to the outcome of the World Summit on Sustainable Development. In case of on-going initiatives, there has to be a clearly demonstrated added value to these initiatives in the context of the Summit (e.g. more partners taken on board, replicating an initiative or extending it to another geographical region, increasing financial resources, etc.)

Integrative approach
Every effort should be made to ensure integration of economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development in the design and implementation of the partnership/initiative. It should be coherent with the sustainable development strategies of the countries where its implementation takes place.

International relevance
'Type 2' partnerships/initiatives need to be international in scope and reach, which means global, regional and/or sub-regional. While support for the implementation of Agenda 21 in developing countries is particularly welcome, initiatives within one region are not excluded, as long as they clearly contribute to the implementation of Agenda 21 and the globally agreed outcomes of the Summit.

Level of commitment
'Type 2' partnerships/initiatives should have clear objectives and set specific targets and timeframes for their achievement. Available and /or expected sources of funding should be identified, at least the initial funding should be assured at the time of the Summit, if the initiative/partnership is to be launched there. Initiatives which do not qualify for launching at the time of the Summit may be considered later in the Summit follow-up process.

'Type 2' partnerships/initiatives need to have internal arrangements for monitoring of progress in their implementation. The Commission on Sustainable Development might provide a forum in following-up on their implementation (to be discussed and decided in the negotiations on sustainable development governance within the Preparatory Committee for the Summit).



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Andrea Fava
Tel: +33 1 49 53 30 67