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Johannesburg Climate Legacy Project
The Johannesburg Climate Legacy will 'offset' the additional greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the World Summit on Sustainable Development through investments in carbon-reducing projects across South Africa. Companies, individuals, and governments can sponsor this 'offset' by making donations on-line.

Biodiversity Conservation in Southern Africa
The Endangered Wildlife Trust teams up with partners on numerous projects designed to promote biodiversity in Southern Africa.

Biosphere Reserves
Ninety four countries have established 408 biosphere reserves across the world. Nominated by national governments, these reserves are managed by local communities, government agencies and private businesses in an effort to demonstrate the possibility of conserving natural resources while developing their sustainable use.

Biosphere Reserves: From the Rhoen-for the Rhoen Initiative
Based in the Rhoen, Germany, local agriculture, crafts, and gastronomy businesses have joined forces in this initiative to safeguard the Rhoen landscape, promote the use of regional products in gastronomy and increase employment.

Biosphere Reserves: Rhoen Apple Initiative
Apple farmers, brewers, fruit-juice producers and tree nurseries are committed to this project to conserve fruit orchards as a typical landscape feature of the Rhoen region and to generate income and employment locally.

Biosphere Reserves: Rhoen Sheep Project
The Rhoensheep is an endangered breed but through the efforts of this project the total ewe population in the region has increased from 0 to 2000 since 1994.

Biosphere Reserves: The Singita Lebombo - K2C Empowerment Project
Through this project the local community of Bushbuckridge, South Africa is being trained and provided with the capital to set up small businesses to sell local products within the game farms in the Kruger National Park.

Business and Biodiversity Initiative
IUCN – the World Conservation Union – has set up this global project to work with the business community to promote the sustainable use of natural resources.

Business Partners for Development (BPD)
A programme initiated by the World Bank Group in which more than 120 organisations across the world supported and promoted 30 partnership projects that show how co-operation between the private, public and civil sectors can deliver benefits to communities and business.

Comparative Matrix of Forest Certification Schemes
The Confederation of European Paper Industries aims to promote sustainable forest management by establishing an internationally recognised benchmark against which the results of various forest management certification initiatives can be compared.

Energy and Biodiversity Initiative (EBI) - Oil & Gas Operations
The Energy & Biodiversity Initiative (EBI), comprised of four major energy companies and five leading conservation organizations, is developing tools and guidelines for integrating biodiversity into oil and gas development.

Environmental Enterprises
By developing replicable business models, Environmental Enterprises proves to investors the viability and profitability of small environmental businesses in developing countries.

European Declaration on Paper Recovery
The signatories of this declaration, key members of the paper industry, are committed to ensure that by 2005 56% of paper and board products consumed in Europe are recycled.

Global Master Plan for Cycling
Working with national and local governments on every continent the Global Master Plan for Cycling promotes the bicycle as a non-polluting, time-saving mode of transport that can improve the quality of life and increase business opportunities in developing countries.

Global Mining Initiative
Nine leading mining companies participated in this initiative to identify the mining industry’s role in sustainable development.

Global Reporting Initiative
Setting standards for sustainability reporting which are used by more than 155 companies from 17 countries the GRI works in response to the increasing influence of sustainability upon decision-making by corporations, governments and capital markets worldwide.

Greening Challenge
Western Power heads this re-vegetation project in the Hotham-Williams Catchment, Australia through which volunteers plant an average of 500,000 native seedlings annually on degraded land.

Integrated Approach to Environmental Emergencies
This initiative assists countries in developing their strategies to prevent and deal with environmental emergencies.

Interactive Map Service (IMapS) - Providing Biodiversity Information Online
This online map provides immediate access to biodiversity and social data for use in emergency oil spill response situations and provides key environmental information for strategic planning and environmental impact assessments.

Investing in Nature
Two thousand HSBC staff will volunteer on Earthwatch conservation projects and 200 scientists and conservationists from developing countries will be trained on Earthwatch research projects.

Landcare Australia
Combining the expertise and funds of farmers, conservation groups, government and businesses, this initiative now has 4800 Landcare groups operating across Australia to improve natural resource management.

Landcare International
Following the example of Landcare Australia, Landcare International aims to create a global network of 100 Landcare countries within the next decade.

London Remade: The Mayor of London's Green Procurement Code
The Mayor of London's Green Procurement Code tackles London’s waste crisis by providing sustainable waste management solutions to help the city reduce its waste production. The initiative aims to develop new markets for products made from recycled materials and to divert 250,000 tonnes of waste from landfill into recycled products by 2004.

Marine Aquarium Council: MAC Certification for Responsible Reef Fisheries and Trade
Creating an international system of environmental standards, certification and labeling for the global trade in marine ornamentals.

Marine Stewardship Council: The MSC Standard for Sustainable Fisheries
More than 100 major seafood processors, traders and retailers from over 20 countries around the world, have pledged their support for the MSC programme which uses a product label to reward environmentally responsible fishery management and practises.

Rhön Wood Processing/Finishing Initiative (Rhönholzveredler)
This German initiative promotes the conservation of sustainably managed broad leaf woodland by promoting the use of old-growth trees, and hence the creation and conservation of habitats for numerous wild plants and animals which depend on old growth forests and trees.

Rio Tinto & Earthwatch Institute Partnership
With the objectives of increasing scientific data and enhancing scientific capacity in developing countries the Rio Tinto and Earthwatch partnership has already contributed 10,000 hours of fieldwork to biodiversity research in 10 countries.

The Sustainable Forestry Initiative Program
The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) leads this project to change the way industrial forestry is practised and to develop a scientifically-sound industry standard for sustainable forestry.

Tour Operators Initiative
Headed by the United Nations Environment programme and backed by 23 member companies and seven NGOs the initiative aims to encourage tour operators to commit to sustainable development and to gain support for environmentally-friendly tourism from tourists themselves.

WBCSD Cement Sustainability Initiative
WBCSD is working with 10 cement industry participants to identify key sustainability issues for the cement industry.

WBCSD Sustainable Forest Industry
With the ultimate goal of creating a sufficient supply of certified wood products in order to squeeze out illegal logging and to protect the vast areas of forests not used for commercial purposes, this project draws upon the experience and expertise of 21 forest companies.



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For further information contact:

Andrea Fava
Tel: +33 1 49 53 30 67